Jonedison Chris Jr

KnOw MoR3 AbT M3!!!

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Things to be done in the next 5 yrs!!! (not in order)
1. Be committed in Church and God!!!
2. Do well in my Job and have a stable income
3. Revamp my room n my wardrobe
4. Hope to get a partner!
5. Beef up n toned up my body

"In life there is no smooth journey but journey tt is full of challenges for u to face it!!! But whether u take it the positive ways or the negative ways... Dun live a regretful life but a life full of purpose n desires n Dreams yet to be fulfilled..."

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Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's beauty and just the life that no-one else sees. Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't mean you're not friendly!
What kind of dark person are you?

Part Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges. If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story. You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses. A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

Part Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity. You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off. And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave. When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Power of Simple Prayer

How u can say ur first simple prayer:
1. Ask Dear God, come into my live. Follow by confession of ur sins.
2. If u are able to confess your sin before God, He who is faithful and just will forgives you.
3. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Know how to get drunk and filled in the Holy Spirit.

Simple things can’t be powerful thing while powerful things can’t be that simple. But prayer is very powerful and yet it is simple. Prayer is the conversation between two people who loved each other. Everyone loved to be loved and love to talk so how can u be too busy to pray. Prayer is when u talks to God and also listens from God, it is not one of the other but is a two-way answers. It is our way to fellowship with God, it is important.

Devil's greatest tools are to keep u (believers) away from prayer where it makes u the weakest to testify God's move in your life. Dun be cheated to keep away from prayer as u r being cheated by the devils. Dun be too busy with other thins that u forgets to pray and spend time with God. So rmb to spend time with God to build up ur relationship with God. Make it a decision and keep it a regular time basis. Set the time u wan to seek God. You need to form a habit of prayer, dun leave until u feel God, u need to learn to be hungry and thirst for God to move in your life.

Ask Him about His dreams and visions for u during your prayer. In the time u spend with God, you have to frame your prayer life. U need to make an appointment with God, so u need to have the right attitude when u spend time with God and u will find it precious just like when ur boss make a appointment to meet u, will u be sloppy or late for tt appointment with your boss? SO make it the same attitude when u meet God, make sure u r ready and excited when u seek God in your prayer.

God will hears your prayer no matter wat, but it sometimes do take time for God to act, but sometimes it is settle instantly, God will surely reply ur prayer but it is a matter of times.

Christianity is not juz a religion but it more of a relationship. Jesus came not to die for a religion but a relationship that we can be connected back with God our Father in heaven. We need to have a close relationship that is personal and connected with God. Everyday u need prayer to heals, comforts, and more for God to move in your spiritual walk with God, knowing that seeking God is not a formulae that we do prayer and not knowing. God wants our time and wants to spend time with u.

When you seek God, u need to humble urself and sometimes u will know that wat is wrong with urself that breakthrough cannot happen unless u change urself in order to change others. You have to let God do sth in u now before He can do sth on the friends and ppl ard u. Dun have time just for ministry tt u forget ur valuable time with God. We dun worships ministry but God He alone.

Prayers always open doors for God to move in your life. It is when u pray den you allow urself to open up the doors in your life for God to move mightily in your life. Start to be discipline to pray.

Powerful prayer life is when u know how to spend time with God. Praise God in your prayer, confess your sins, prayer for ppl that request from u, open the bible for God to speak revelation to u. Prayer of a righteous man prevails much and brings more effective power move of God. Acknowledge that only God works miracle in your life not juz coincident. Lead by the spirit brings life as there is no life in the Law. Prayer is not abt convenience but things that are important For Him to equip u to move mightily in your life that you can be a light and salt of this world.

You need to humble yourself and make it a point to seek God. God is immediate so speak His name in time of trouble. You need to seek God just like when u first seek Him. Not becuz u become a mature Christians den u forget abt prayer of a little child. Jesus say that we need to seek Him just like a Child seeks His Father.

God will teach u how to pray but u need to start with a plan. It is ur daily appointment with God that u r able to hear God speak.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just some thoughts:

Your life will never change with time!
People can never change you until you start your change!
If your auto-pilot is programmed to crash into the sea, the only way is to change it!
If you dont know how to re-program your autopilot, then its time to let God do the flying.
That autopilot, is your mind.
Its scientifically proven that your body and your life will head in the direction your mind takes you.
Ive done an equation and ill show it again:

when u are angry with 2 people:
(You x aA) + (You x aB)
f you are disappointed with 3 people:
(You x DisA) + (You x DisB) + (You x DisC)

guess who's the problem? its not your friends, its not the people around you!

factorise the equation, what do you get?

You (aA + aB)
You (DisA + DisB + DisC)

who's the constant? you! the problem lies with you.
your life will only change the moment your thinking changes!
stop complaining about your life and start doing something for God!
so many people tend to LISTEN to themselves rather than TALK to themselves.
whatever their mind says, they just blindly agree.

"nobody cares", "its no use"..etc.

once again i say, today's svc was great.

when u face a mountain what do you do?
why waste energy walking round it and onlny realise you're back where you started?
Why waste resources trying to dig and bomb your way through it?

If you have faith as SMALL as a mustard seed..just say to the mountain be removed and be thrown into the sea, and it will done as you say!

"God says it, we believe it, that settles it!"
Stop listening, start talking!Stop thinking, start acting!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sermon By Rev Robb

2 Sam 11:1-4, 12:9-19, 1 Cor 4:24-27, 1 Chr 28:3

Everything you do has a consequence, you cannot pretend nothing has happened or that everything will be alright without having to face it.

What is your manifesto? What will people think the moment they think of you?
Manifesto - it is the public declaration of your standards and principles?
Are you going to be a person of standard? Or someone who compromise?

1. No matter how difficult life may seem, never let circumstance dictate your decisions.

-Ruth 1:1-6, Psm 15:4

2. You will either raise your standards to meet your expectations or lower your standards to match your performance.
-Isa 59:19, Prov 23:5-6

3. Only the irresponsible are willing to sacrifice the future in order to enjoy the present.

-Psm 11:3, luk 6:46-48
-What is 'God-abuse'? - It is the idea that you can get away with something in God that the world will hold you accountable for. (E.g. licentiousness)

4. The portrait of your life is painted with the brush of your character.

-Gen 39:7-9, 41:37-42, Mt 26:14-16, 27:3-5

5. You can never know a person by what they say. You meet them the moment you are willing to believe what they do.

-Jam 2:14-18

6. The productivity of any relationship is dependent upon the standard it celebrates.

-Jhn 15:14, Psm 119:79, Heb 12:1

a) My friends must be committed to lifelong relationships.
b) My friends must be moving toward a productive future. (Not just because they are fun!)
c) My friends must be generous.
d) My friends must qualify to receive my seed.
e) My friends must place character above relationship.
f) My friends must be willing to confront my enemies.

7. There's nothing more dangerous than the moment you become a hostage to yesterday's comfort zone

-Phi 3:13-15, Rev 3:14-19

8. Whatever you refuse to conquer today will be next to impossible to conquer tomorrow.

-Jam 5:16, Mt 5:29-30, 6:19-21
-Your enemy is the smallest the moment you see it, dont give it time to grow!
-Talk to your enemy, dont let him talk to you.
-Stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself!



Who am I?
That You wash my feet
Prince of heaven's blood
Shed for me

Who am I?
That You called my name
Nailed my sin to a cross
Unfailing grace

Greater is He, who's in me
Greater are You than all the earth
My closest Friend, my Saviour
So much more than I deserve

Let my life bring You honour
Let my words bring you praise
Your great love is all I want, Lord

My Refuge, my Shelter
My Healer and rest
Almighty redeemer
Salvation and strength


Sermon on the mount

Man this series is the ultimate series..haha.

its gonna be so exciting..i heard this series is SOT standard takes a well-equipped disciple to understand it at but i managed to catch it..hehe..:D

so many things ive learned from this series. its like a spiritual xray, it discerns the true believer from the non-believer, the mature from the immature, and to what extent are we conformed into the likeness of Christ.

its so true when ps said, the moment your conscience is off course, your will make wrong judgements. you end up making wrong decisions all the time, you end up going from one relationship to another, etc..and i feel its sooo true!

tts why we need God to recalibrate our conscience and renew our mind. also, he mentioned other things which blessed me greatly. its one thing to lead, its another thing to BE a leader. its not just about the DOing, but the BEing.

praise God, our missions work touched a total of 43,xxx people. and thank God for breakthrough average weekly attendance of 23,1xx. what we sow, we will definitely reap. we sent our best as a church, by sending ps kong and the rest of the team. people thought that we will fall away, but guess what? people are always wrong, instead its during this period of time that we hit our highest record ever. God is always good and He is always true to His word. what people say dont matter, what God says is final! xD

he also talked about the beattitudes. deep stuff, but its definitely something worth catching. one word from God and your life will never be the same again. :D also, thank God for open doors into China, Japan and into all of asia. if i could choose a time to be alive, its gotta be NOW! =) btw, missions in Japan..? tt got me interested..hahaa..

yea svc was great today too, even though i was a bit tired/sleepy, but thank God for His presence that gave me strength and understanding to keep me awake :)) the most important ive learned in lesson2 matter how much you have on the inside..the presence and the 'fragrance' of God will only flow out when the bottle is broken.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

What do you see?

One teacher said, "I felt like they were all moving.....butslowly, kinda like, they were breathing."

The pictures attached are used to test the level of stressa person can handle. The slower the pictures move, the better your abilityof handling stress. Alleged criminals that were tested see them spinning around madly; however, senior citizens and kids seethem standing still. None of these images are animated -- they are perfectly still.


Singapore Joke

In Singapore, the majority of us live in
Highly Dangerous Buildings (HDB) ,
And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP) .
Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB) .
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get
more from you.
So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)
With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS) , you are forced to Pay the
Sum Ahead (PSA) ,
Which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB) .
And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system.
When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital
You might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund.
If you are out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH)
to treat you,
And you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH) .

To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway (COE)

If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the
If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to the Train (MRT)
OR get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS).
Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax,

Not even the good old place we used to go because it has become
So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!
